
KENSO AGCARE fast approaching 20 years in Australia.

By October 22, 2018 November 18th, 2024 No Comments

KENSO may be considered one of the quiet achievers of the Australian farm input scene. Commencing trade in Australia nearly 20 years ago KENSO has grown today to a company with 146 finished product registrations including 26 registrations with data protection, significant market share and an agronomy and sales team backing up distributors and growers across Australia.

As many new entrants have come and gone over this period KENSO has continued to achieve strong compound growth and has the enviable position of great distributor relationships and strong brand recognition in the farming network. A combination of good value commodity products and innovative value adding products has been a key to the success. Kenso Australia today is in a very strong brand and financial position to weather and adapt to any changing market dynamics.

With the support of the significant manufacturing and product development resources of the parent company KENSO Corporation KENSO Australia sees a very bright future in the Australian crop protection sector.

Despite some changes in the distribution landscape, in particular a swing to private label products by some distribution channels, Kenso continues to see their route to market through traditional distribution whist maintaining and increasing a strong brand perception with growers and end users. Whilst the future in agchem commodity products is very competitive, opportunities exist through product innovation and strategic ties with the key raw material suppliers, particularly as product supply from China becomes increasingly unreliable and volatile. Kenso has had very strong relationships with many of the key technical manufacturers for over 40 years.

Increasingly, provision of data will be a challenge for label holders as regulatory rules tighten across the globe. In the medium term, companies who cannot generate, source or fund this data will find it increasingly difficult to participate in the market.

Recent initiatives at KENSO include further formulation facility investment particularly in the area of emulsion in water formulations (EW) and backward integration for a number of products in the manufacturing division.

Kenso has a strong commitment to the Australian and Asia Pacific region and is ready to adapt and react to the changing market conditions. Part of that plan remains to be a good value, high quality, fully backed supplier to the Australian crop protection market.

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